The Just Je'Rhonda Experience
Get all the way together for your highest good. Je'Rhonda is a medium, spiritualist, and Life Transformation Mentor here to help you step into self-sovereignty and live your best soul-led life. She'll bring you channeled messages from spirit and talk about her adventures in mediumship. Get ready to explore self-worth, power, and soul purpose according to how our energy interacts with the universe.
The Just Je'Rhonda Experience
Sabatoge Shi* Show
Season 3
Episode 2
In this episode, I'm sharing with you some deep-rooted revelations.
Do you receive guidance from Spirit? Are you adhering to the messages and lessons you're being sent and tested? And who are you getting that guidance from?
There are many, many people who claim to be light workers who are just doing this work for their own personal gain -- are you listening to your inner nudges about the people you let into your energetic field?
Spirit recognizes Spirit -- remember that. Listen in for my best tips to navigate your own revelation.